I Like Friday the 13th

Friday, June 13, 1997

Friday, June 13, 1997

I don’t have any fear of Friday the 13th.  On Friday, June 13, 1997 I graduated from The Ohio State University.

That day, a freak rain storm came through Columbus.  I recall walking to the Horseshoe as it poured along with many other graduates and it was interesting to see how different folks handled the bad weather.  I saw a few girls crying because they felt their day was ruined for some reason and I sort of marveled at that reaction.  It wasn’t like the weather could be changed, nor did it reflect anyone’s academic achievements.

My reaction was to literally soak up the moment.  Notice I am still wearing my mortarboard!

After all of the students entered into the stadium, E. Gordon Gee attempted to begin speaking, but there was so much rain that the PA system was not working well and it was crackling.  While folks scrambled to get that working, one lone wolf ran down from the stands hooting and hollering and jumped into a puddle of water that had formed at the north end of the stadium where the flagpole is and shouted ‘Wipeout!’ I distinctly remember being given the speech about how that if anyone acted up, Guard members would be there to escort any individuals out of the ceremony.  After this happened, I noticed the Guard members looking around at each other determining what they should do.  When they didn’t do anything to this guy, all of the students broke loose from their seats in the stands and rushed the field.

Our ceremony was effectively over — we didn’t even get to hear our speaker, Bob Greene.  However, I got to do something incredible.  I was able to run across the field and dive on it like it was the world’s largest slip and slide.  It was absolutely incredible how far you could slide while wearing those nylon gowns!

It is really hard to fathom how much rain came down during that ceremony and how quickly it stopped.  My mom had some pills in a prescription bottle inside her purse that was filled with water.

Was it odd that our graduation was rained out on Friday the 13th? Perhaps, but I like to think that good things and bad things can happen every day. It is your choice on how that affects you.

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