Tag: cats

Early Cat Christmas

Our cats Jacob and Elvis received an early Christmas gift from their Nagymama and Nagypapa in California. It is a collapsible play cube. In this picture is Elvis, who immediately jumped in.

Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesion: FORL

Our eldest cat, Elvis, had surgery today to extract 4 teeth. He was suffering from feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion or FORL. He came through fine and hopefully will heal up nicely. 

I had no idea how common this was in cats, nor did we realize he was in pain until a recent vet visit. Our vet explained that many times, cats will hide their pain to avoid being kicked out of the nest. 

I also did not know that FORL may also stand for ‘Friends of the Roswell Library’. I learned that during my Google search.