Tag: festivals

Ohio Food Festivals

Recently, I was talking with some friends about a corn festival that had recently happened in Ohio and we then talked about how there are many of these single food item festivals throughout the state. I haven’t been to a single one of them. Prior to our discussion, I thought the big one I missed out on was the Circleville Pumpkin Show.  Now I realize there are tomato, strawberry, apple, apple butter, hamburger, blueberry, several corn, sauerkraut, potato, maple festivals ( I am sure many more).  

This is a big part of my Ohio culture I have missed out on and I think this year I should plan to do at least two, maybe three of them. Seems like a realistic goal.

Much of the season has passed me by this year, but Rebecca already states we are going to the Blueberry festival in August and ideally the Germantown Pretzel festival in September. I’d also like to get to to the Pumpkin Show this year (finally). 

Can any Ohio Food Festival experts recommend a few plan B options?  I am not interested in any ‘Taste of’ festivals or anything not niche oriented.