Tivo, you no longer know me

Tivo picked up a show for us called ‘Aftermath:Population Zero‘, from National Geographic. It sounded marginally interesting, so we started to watch it. The only saving grace of this program was that its absurd premise was stated up front, so I had a good sense to bail out early. The entire show revolved around Earth’s fate if all of the humans vanished in a single instance. Not over time, mind you, but in a single instance. The premise also seemed to rely on this event only striking humans.

I used to be enamored with Tivo’s ability to pull out of the ether shows that it knew I would like. Over time, I am finding that virtually none of the recommendations are shows I actually do like. I have done my part by watching the shows and giving the appropriate thumb ratings. It is clear I am putting more into the relationship than Tivo is.

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