Mystery Box

I am guessing the box didnt have diapers in it.

David, Michael and I 

A few months back, I found this funny old photo while scanning family pics. In the photo left to right are David, Michael and myself. I don’t know what was in the box, though I am fairly confident it wasn’t diapers. Also, I have no idea why we appear to be strutting like we are rolling up to some casino like you see so often in the movies.

The other mystery to me is ‘What happened to 12-26 lb. size diapers?’

2 comments for “Mystery Box

  1. dhammy
    August 10, 2010 at 3:40 pm

    That is a great photo! You gotta love the short shorts and the tube socks with the stripes. Vintage stuff.

  2. August 10, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Indeed. The tube socks are just classic. I wonder when those might come back in to fashion — or did I miss that already?